
Home-based intervention

We focus on:

  • Functional communication
  • Visual perception
  • Imitation skills
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Play and social skills
  • Basic self-care tasks
  • Academics
    • and more

The structure of our interventions reflects the learning system based on developmental milestones - VB-Mapp. Using this tool, we are able to track and measure the child's progress continuously. This tool also provides parents with a clear understanding of the child's actual level within this system and the direction or goals we would like to reach.

school/pre-school interventions

We offer systematic support to other educational services or companies, because we believe that sensitive inclusion opens doors to mutual kindness, support, and respect.

Parent Consultations

We provide guidance to families with children with learning differences to solve any behavioral, educational problems or challenging situations.

When starting to work with child clients, it's necessary to consider what should be the main focus of the therapy regarding the age, individual needs, interests, and preferences. Also, we are supposed to respect the needs of the family as a unique system. For the early learners, typically up to around 6-7 years, the therapy aims at areas of early intervention. During this period we focus on increasing functional communications and decreasing challenging behaviors. As children get older and reach school age, the focus shifts more towards developing independence, allowing them to live independently within society

Early Interventions

Focus on early learning, based on the principle of play and using methods of ABA.

Social skills

In a school age of the child our attention shifts towards fostering functional independence and self-sufficiency.

Do not hesitate to contact us