social skills


After reaching the age limit considered suitable for early intervention, the main areas of early learning are believed to be generally covered. Therefore, the goal shifts to developing social skills that allow us to live functionally and independently. During this period, we focus on tasks related to functional self-sufficiency and independence, both within the home and social environment, too. Utilizing those skills can increase social opportunities, confidence in interaction with others and the capability to live responsibly and independently.



  • Cooking
  • Home works
  • Shopping
  • Eating in a restaurant
  • And others

Home-based therapy

We support children and families in their natural environment, and the therapy is adjusted to the specific needs of each individual case.

Consultation for Preschools/Schools and Shadowing

We offer systematic support to other educational services or companies, because we believe that sensitive inclusion opens doors to mutual kindness, support, and respect.

Parent Consultations

We provide consultations to families with children with special needs to solve any behavioral and educational problems or stressful situations.

Do not hesitate to contact us