Support for parents

Consultation for Parents, materials

We're here to provide guidance in any area related to raising and educating children with autism or other developmental delays. We offer advice, tips, ideas, recommendations, and materials that could be useful to you and your child. Together, we will look for optimal strategies and paths to achieve the desired results. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need assistance with anything that is currently causing stress or problems in raising and educating your child.

Your concerns may relate to:

  • Challenging behavior
  • Eating or sleeping issues, potty training
  • Rigid thinking, unhealthy sticking to the routine
  • Activities of daily living, self-help skills
  • Visiting a doctor or a restaurant, shopping
    • And more
We will setup the best strategies together with you to tackle these challenges and concerns.

Home-based therapy

We support children and families in their natural environment, and the therapy is adjusted to the specific needs of each individual case.

Consultation for Preschools/Schools and Shadowing

We offer systematic support to other educational services or companies, because we believe that sensitive inclusion opens doors to mutual kindness, support, and respect.

Parent Consultations

We provide consultations to families with children with special needs to solve any behavioral and educational problems or stressful situations.

Do not hesitate to contact us